WebToolVault FAQs
WebToolVault is a collection of easy to use web-based tools. The tools vary from website online tests and WHOIS lookups, to network tools such as Ping and Tracert.

Whenever possible, the tools have been translated into a few different languages. If you have any translation suggestions, please contact us.

Our site makes calls to a few different locations so tests can be run tests from a few different locations.

We hope you enjoy our tools and feel free to contact us with any comments or suggestions.

Our main site is located in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. We also make calls out to services located in Orlando, Florida, USA, and Montreal, Quebec, CA
WebToolVault is a free site. There is no cost to use our tools or our site.
You can contact us to suggest any new tools.
Our tools are developed in the latest version of .Net using C#. Calls are made to our servers in various locations using a combination of WCF and web services. The user interface is built on the foundations of bootstrap and HTML5.